![]() Fort Pierce Yacht Club |
Fort Pierce Yacht Club offers reciprocity to all who are members of yacht clubs enrolled in the Yachting Club of America, “The National Association of Yacht Clubs.” Founded in 1963, the Yachting Club of America represents approximately 300,000 members from more than 600 YCA registered Yacht and Sailing Clubs throughout America. If you are a member of a yacht club that is registered with YCA, FPYC welcomes you to our club. |
Visiting us?While we do not have a marina, we are located next to the Fort Pierce City Marina who offers transient berths as well as other facility amenities. Additional information about the Fort Pierce City Marina can be found on their website, www.cityoffortpierce.com/761/About-the-Marina. We invite you to reach out to our Vice Commodore of Fleet for additional information by emailing VCFleetFPYC@gmail.com. |