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Fort Pierce

Yacht Club


The Fort Pierce Yacht Club was started in 1980 as a boating organization for sailors who want to be active on the water.  It has since grown into an active yacht club with fleet events designed for all types of boats (power, sail, and even paddle).  It was through the mind of one man that the club began and through his and a few other's dedication, it has become the first-rate boating organization that it is today.

Membership in the club allows you, your family and guests to enjoy:

  • A wonderful, waterfront clubhouse,

  • Reciprocity with other yacht clubs,

  • Kayaking/Paddle board outings,

  • Participation in competitive offshore sailboat races,

  • Cruises to lunch with other members,

  • A host of club social events, parties and get-togethers,

  • Long and short distance cruises to fun destinations,

  • Women's sailboat races & regattas for all,

  • Game/Trivia nights @ the club,

  • Friday night socials with music and cash bar, 

  • Raft-ups in the Indian River Lagoon, beach parties and so much more! 


The Fort Pierce Yacht Club started in the mind of one man, Al Sargent.  

Through his dedication, along with a few other's, it has become the first-rate boating organization that it is today.  


The City of Fort Pierce is a hidden treasure along the Treasure Coast of Florida.  Often called the "Sunrise City", it is one of the oldest cities along the east coast of Florida (Incorporated in 1901).

The historic waterfront downtown offers visitors unique shops, arts, crafts, dining, great fishing and a range of entertainment and activities from the Farmers Market every Saturday morning, Friday Fest every 1st Friday of the month and the city owned and operated historic, 1,200 seat Sunrise Theatre for the Performing Arts.

Fort Pierce Yacht Club History

The Fort Pierce Yacht Club was organized in 1980 as a not-for-profit corporation under the laws of the State of Florida. The Articles of Incorporation require that members have an active interest in yachting activities. The purpose of the Club is to promote yachting and associated activities for both sail and powerboats.

The clubhouse, located on the west bank of the Indian River at the corner of Seaway Drive and North Indian River Drive, was completed in 1986. Many members assisted in its construction and volunteer members provided maintenance of the building and grounds. The Club's dock, recently rebuilt, is located directly east of the clubhouse on the Indian River, with 6-8 feet of water at its end.

In 2004, the clubhouse suffered damage from hurricanes Frances and Jeanne. Since then, a new roof has been installed and the kitchen, meeting room, bar and other areas have been completely renovated and redecorated. The clubhouse is available to the St. Lucie County for a minimum of 100 days a year at no cost, is also used by other governmental agencies and non-profit organizations at little or no cost, and is available for private parties for a fee.

Boating activities have included raft-ups, sailboat racing under a handicap system, weekend cruises, cruises to the Bahamas and Florida Keys, island picnics, sport fishing, and Sunfish and multi-hull racing. Social activities include cookouts, potluck suppers, fish fries, dinner dances and barbecues. Volunteering to serve on committees, to host social functions and to serve as an officer or director, is considered to be a duty of members.

During the 1990's, the Club hosted many competitive and invitational sailing regattas in addition to its own boating activities. These events, some sanctioned by U.S. Yacht Racing Union, and others involving Olympic pre-trials, were for a wide range of sailing vessels from sailboards through full-keel racing boats.

Membership meetings are held in the clubhouse on the first Tuesday of each month, usually featuring guest speakers followed by a brief business meeting.

Fort Pierce Yacht Club History

The Fort Pierce Yacht Club was organized in 1980 as a not-for-profit corporation under the laws of the State of Florida. The Articles of Incorporation require that members have an active interest in yachting activities. The purpose of the Club is to promote yachting and associated activities for both sail and powerboats.

The clubhouse, located on the west bank of the Indian River at the corner of Seaway Drive and North Indian River Drive, was completed in 1986. Many members assisted in its construction and volunteer members provide maintenance of the building and grounds. The Club's dock, recently rebuild, is located directly east of the clubhouse on the Indian River, with 6-8 feet of water at its end.

In 2004, the clubhouse suffered damage from hurricanes Frances and Jeanne. Since then, a new roof has been installed and the kitchen, meeting room, bar and other areas have been completely renovated and redecorated. The clubhouse is available to the St. Lucie County for a minimum of 100 days a year at no cost, is also used by other governmental agencies and non-profit organizations at little or no cost, and is available for private parties for a fee.

Boating activities have included raft-ups, sailboat racing under a handicap system, weekend cruises, cruises to the Bahamas and Florida Keys, island picnics, sport fishing, and Sunfish and multi-hull racing. Social activities include cookouts, pot luck suppers, fish fries, dinner dances and barbecues. Volunteering to serve on committees, to host social functions and to serve as an officer or director, is considered to be a duty of members.

During the 1990's, the Club hosted many competitive and invitational sailing regattas in addition to its own boating activities. These events, some sanctioned by U.S. Yacht Racing Union, and others involving Olympic pre-trials, were for a wide range of sailing vessels from sailboards through full-keel racing boats.

Membership meetings are held in the clubhouse on the first Tuesday of each month, usually featuring guest speakers followed by a brief business meeting.

History of the Fort Pierce Yacht Club

Fort Pierce Yacht Club Past Commodores

1980 Albert Sargent (dec)

1981 Robert Penn (dec)

1982 Albert Sargent (dec)

1983 Robert E. Ward (dec)

1984 Dave Rever

1985 Joe Krivan

1986-1987 Joe Krchnak

1988 John Yanaros (dec)

1989 Richard Spalding (dec)

1990 Jerry McGrane (dec)

1991 Robert Lowe (dec)

1992 Betty Jo Porter (dec)

1993 Gerald F. Rester (dec)

1994 Robert Rihl (dec)

1995 Lynda Reff

1996-1997 George Doliana (dec)

1998-1999 John Dickert (dec)

2000 Nancy Caffee/Oates

2001 Arland Phelps (dec)

2002 Ed Fahey (dec) (through July, 2002)

2002 Joe Ghiotti (July through December)

2003 Joe Ghiotti

2004 Roy Whitehead (dec)

2005 Dale Cawthorne

2006 Carole Fahey (dec)

2007 George Lange (dec)

2008 Bob Bocchicchio (dec)

2009 Charlie Hayek

2010 Suzanne Boardman

2011 Candace Banack

2012 Russ Bercier (dec)

2013 Craig Zezeck

2014 Ken Milner

2015 Ken Milner (to October)

2015 Janet Woodrow (October-December)

2016-17 Janet Woodrow

2018-19 Jeff Thornton (2018- August 2019)

2019-2021 Diane Korbey (August 2019-2021)

2021-2023 Forest Blanton

2024-2025 Linda Sampson 

2025-Current Steve Jaroski


The purpose of the Club is to promote safe boating and associated activities for power and sailing craft, and to participate in community activities deemed to be of benefit to the community at large.

Mailing Address

PO Box 3108

Fort Pierce, FL 34948-3108


Physical Address:

700 N Indian River Drive

Fort Pierce, FL 34950

Tel:  772-461-9152

Facility Rentals

Interested in renting the FPYC facilities for a wedding or event?

Contact Lou Tomasovic


Phone:  561-632-5447

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